Sunday, June 24, 2012

What I am doing?

Currently I'm taking part in a drabble callenge from the forum. It's called 100 prompts, 100 drabbles, 100 words or less.
My character is Sirius Black, a female Sirius Black at that.

I call her Denebola Black, the main Pairing will be JamesxLily and Jamesxdenebola, while the later is onesided. It will stick pretty close to canon and tell about Denebolas life in Hogwarts and on.

Thoses of you who are interested can look forward to "Chasing the lion's tail", once I finished the drabbles and had them checked for spelling etc, I will start uploading!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Books 2011

I did not manage to finish that many books last year.
...was a little caught up in fanfiction.

Die Heilerin - Janice Hardy - 284 Seiten
Das blaue Feuer - Janice Hardy - 299 Seiten
Morgens 15:30 in Deutschland - David Werker - 189 Seiten
Blaze of Memory - Nalini Singh - 372 Seiten
Archangel's Consort - Nalini Singh - 324 Seiten
River Marked - Patricia Briggs - 326 Seiten
Bonds of Justice - Nalini Singh - 348 Seiten
Play of Passion - Nalini Singh - 321 Seiten
Burning up - Anthology - 368 Seiten
Pleasures of a dark prince - 431 Seiten
Thrill me to death - Roxanne St. Claire - 350 Seiten
Take me tonight - Roxanne St. Claire - 360 Seiten
Demon from the dark - Kresley Cole - 448 Seiten
Dreams of a dark Warrior - Kresley Cole - 528 Seiten
Awaken me darkly - Gena Showalter - 358 Seiten
Blutherrschaft - Anne Bishop - 589 Seiten
Die Verpflichtung - Lorna Freeman - 694 Seiten
Die Königstreuen - Lorna Freeman - 480 Seiten
Con & Conjure - Lisa Shearin - 322 Seiten
Gardens of the Moon - Steven Erikson - 657 Seiten
Das Vermächtnis - Lorna Freeman - 512 Seiten
Stray - Rachel Vincent - 678 Seiten
Deaf Reckoning - Charlaine harris - 325 seiten
The hunger games - suzanne collins - 454 Seiten
Heroes of Olympus: the lost hero - Rick Riordan - 551 Seiten
The hunger games: catching fire - Suzanne collins - 472 seiten
magic slays - ilona andrews - 320 Seiten
Stroke of enticement - nalini snigh - short story
Kiss of snow - nalini singh - 432 Seiten
Magic Dreams - Ilona andrews - short story
Archangels Blade - Nalini Singh - 336 Seiten
Child of Neptune - Rick Riordan - 544 seiten
angels wolf - Nalini Singh - 91 Seiten
Lord of the Vampires - Gena Showaler -281 Seiten
Lord of rage - Jill Monroe - 282 Seiten
Die Herren von Winterfells - George R.R, Martin - 545 Seiten

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I am a lazy person

I really am. and I don't really want to be.
There are a lot of usefull things I should be doing right now.
Among others I should be writing my VN.
I have nearly finished it.
There are only 3 endings left to write.
It would be over quite soon if I could bring myself to work seriously.
As it is I manage to do maybe 5 lines per week. And that It really embaressing...
Well I will write another line now... babysteps <<

Monday, May 23, 2011

Why can't I be a fairy?

Taken from all the other crap!

[x] You rather be pale than tan.
[x] You like to eat or drink red things. (No. Aunt Flo is also red and that is disgusting.)
[  ] When you’re kissing someone, you tend to bite them.
[  ] You’re dark, and mysterious.
[  ] You’ve tasted your own blood before and liked it.
[x] Being out in the sun too long makes you feel weak. (It's called dehydration.)
[  ] You can appear threatening or dangerous to others.
[  ] You have incredible charm and can get people to do nearly anything.
[x] You’re more active at night.
Total: 4

[x] You have a bad temper.
[  ] You’re incredibly physically strong and fast.
[  ] You love the moon.
[x] You’re very loyal.
[x] If you love someone, you’ll do whatever you possibly can to protect them.
[x] You would go on a devastating rampage should your lover be harmed in any way.
[  ] You like dogs.
[  ] You’re fairly sturdy in stature.
[x] You’re either a good leader or a solitary person.
[  ] You have a hard time controlling yourself. (Hey, this site looks cool/Think I'll click a link or two /...Where did my life go?— Elan)
Total: 5

~NEKO/WERECAT~ (It is a werewolf; it's just FUN-SIZED.)
[x] You love cats.
[  ] You’re lithe and agile.
[  ] You could fall off of anything and always land on your feet.
[  ] You like gymnastics.
[  ] You love to eat seafood. (Jumbo shrimp <3)
[  ] You’re affectionate and cozy.
[x] If someone is able to sneak up on you and startle you, you nearly leap out of your skin or swat at them.
[  ] You like yarn.
[  ] You like chasing things.
[  ] You’re an excellent hunter. (All your scrap papers are belong to me! >:D)
Total: 2

[  ] You’re an outcast.
[  ] You feel as if you’re not truly alive.
[  ] You’ll moan when you’re hurt rather than scream and cry.
[x] You tend to zone out.
[  ] You don’t feel very smart.
[  ] You like worms.
[  ] You like taking things slowly.
[  ] You like odd foods. (Mmmmm. Stirfry tarantulas.)
[  ] You prefer to suffer in silence.
[x] You don’t get much sleep.
Total: 2

[  ] You're invisible.(wtf.)
[  ] You have an oddly eerie presence.
[  ] You can send chills down a person’s spine just by looking at them. (Read: you can has eyerape.)
[x] You have messy hair that is partially/completely in your face.
[  ] You’re incredibly gentle.
[x] You’re very shy around someone you find attractive.
[  ] You tend to simply disappear when no one’s looking.
[  ] You enjoy scaring people.
[x] You like the indoors.
[  ] You are deeply connected to the ones you love no matter what happens.
Total: 3

[  ] You will eat just about anything. ((ಠ_ಠ)2 Girls 1 Cup?)
[x] You like to attack people verbally or physically.
[  ] You are thrilled if you can make someone bleed.
[  ] If you were with someone, you wouldn't care if you hurt them as long as you‘re getting what you want out of them.
[  ] You like stalking people. (Turn yourself in, please.)
[  ] You find it fun to crawl into tight, small, cramped, dirty spaces. (But strike the dirt.)
[x] You get hungry easily.
[  ] You like torture.
[  ] You live to hurt people.
[  ] You like the idea of being insane.
Total: 2

[  ] You’re into Wicca.
[x] You like magical objects.
[x] You believe in magic/can perform it.
[  ] You perform odd rituals on a daily basis. (OCD?)
[  ] People find you intolerably cruel.
[  ] You enjoy manipulating people.
[  ] You feel deeply in touch with nature and hate industrialization.
[x] You love black cats. (I love longcat too.)
[  ] You practice voodoo.
[  ] You tend to laugh hysterically while picking on someone you find attractive.
Total: 3

[  ] You have different personalities.
[x] Your style could change from Goth to preppy in the same second. (Read: you strip fast.)
[  ] You’re fickle.
[  ] You have more than one lover.
[x] You’re unpredictable.
[  ] You would change yourself entirely to fit in/get a date.
[x] You are fond of many different things.
[  ] You can easily get out of trouble by changing your demeanor.
[x] You often say one thing and mean another. (Alternatively, you're a politician.)
[x] You like to leave your clothes on the floor after taking them off.
Total: 5

[x] You have a very bad temper.(How dare you ask me the same question twice in reasonable context?! Tableflip)
[  ] You’re usually angry.
[  ] You have to make other people miserable with every breath that you take.
[  ] You worship Satan.
[x] You like pentagrams.
[  ] You love to mess with people’s heads.
[  ] You could do just about anything bad to someone and feel proud.
[  ] You laugh when other people are hurt.
[  ] Physically harming someone turns you on.
[x] You respond to an insult by viciously attacking the other person.
Total: 3

[  ] You’re a very good person. (Why, thank you.)
[  ] You take care with everything you do.
[x] You can be extremely serious. (I always fail math with utmost sobriety.)
[  ] You’re gentle and kind to even your worst enemies.
[  ] You cannot hold a grudge against anyone.
[x] You would gladly endure anything for the sake of the ones you love.
[x] You’re a virgin/have never kissed anyone/have never had a love.
[  ] People see you as being very pure.
[  ] You are obedient and follow rules without question.
[  ] You love God.
Total: 3

[  ] You enchant people.
[  ] You like organic things.
[  ] You’re almost always smiling.
[  ] You love the world around you.
[  ] You get attached to animals easily.
[  ] You’re a walking-talking chick-flick/prince charming.
[  ] You fall in love easily. (No. I have standards.)
[  ] You have a very bright/bubbly/friendly personality.
[  ] You don’t HATE anyone.
[  ] You like long hair.
Total: 0

So again, why can't I be a fairy?